The following is provided as a guide only to aid individuals and organisations in the formulation of their submissions in relation to each of the eight broad areas of the Inquiry.
- The costs and consequences of the US-Australia Alliance relating to
- Impact on First Nations People
- Sovereignty matters
- Self Determination
- Land Rights, access: usage and projects
- Cultural impacts
- Social impacts
- Economic and environmental implications
- Involvement in the military
- Economic
- The consequences and costs of Australia’s Defence Export Strategy, especially its plan to make Australia a top ten defence exporter.
- The significant knowledge imbalances between defence officials and both politicians and voters, as well as the implications these imbalances have for economic accountability of defence programs.
- The causes and consequences of cost overruns in defence procurement.
- The lack of transparency and clarity of socially relevant economic information relating to the defence sector such as weapons export destinations.
- The economic impact of the uncompetitive nature of defence contracts, particularly resulting from the constraints imposed by the US-Australia alliance.
- The causes and consequences of the two-way revolving door between the defence sector and politics and industry.
- The opportunity costs of defence spending and military activity involving Australia.
- Alternatives to existing approaches and the economic implications of an independent foreign policy.
- Social and Community
- The opportunity cost in relation to
- Self-determination of First Peoples
- Public health and education expenditure;
- Social and community services expenditure – e.g. Newstart, public housing, child care and aged care;
- Services for war veterans and returned soldiers – housing, financial, jobs, health
- The impact on the lives and wellbeing of Australian service personnel and their families of wars of aggression – PTSD, homelessness etc.
- Lack of genuine security for Australian people as a result of involvement in US-led Wars
- Environment and Climate Change
- The impact on the environment of the First People’s land and culture – an absence of consultation and/or engagement with Indigenous people in areas of the land impacted by militarism which is closely connected with alliance compliance.
- Military dependency on and large consumption of fossil fuel; major emitter of CO2;
- Military contamination of land, water and air/contribution to greenhouse gases
- Impact of radiation, depleted uranium
- Destruction of habitat, impacts on loss of biodiversity
- Military and Defence
- The impact of US bases and troop deployments in tying Australia to US strategic interests, including a nuclear war-fighting posture, and undermining Australian independence.
- The implications of increasing interoperability between the ADF and US military, including joint wargaming and defence procurements and investments (such as the attack-class submarines, F-35 fighter jets, long-range rocket and missile systems) that are of questionable value for the defence of Australia.
- The dangers of a growing military-industrial complex wedded to aggressive wars and contrary to the requirements of an Australian sovereign self-defence industry.
- The impact on the lives and wellbeing of Australian service personnel and their families from participating in US-led expeditionary wars, including PTSD and homelessness.
- The impact on peace, stability, the rule of law and the lives and wellbeing of civilians in foreign countries affected by Australian support and/or participation in US-led wars, sanctions and other coercive actions.
- Foreign Policy
- The costs and benefits for Australia of the US Alliance
- Effects of the Alliance on Australia’s relations with other countries and on Australia’s role in international organisations
- Impacts of the Alliance on Australia’s sovereignty and independence in policy-making
- American influence on Australians foreign policy, including the role of ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence-sharing, and by mainstream and social media
- Political (Including Democratic Rights)
- The influence and involvement in Australia’s domestic and foreign policies, civil and democratic rights – the right to speak out, expose and report
- Impacts on Australia’s sovereignty and independence to make decisions in the interest of Australian people
- The influence of weapons corporations on governments and educational institutions, including on schools’ and universities’ curriculum
- Unions and Workers’ Rights
- Workers bear the full physical and psychological damage of war
- Weapons manufacturing industries and jobs dependent on endless wars of aggression and destruction.
- Development and growth of alternative sustainable sovereign self-defence industries and secure jobs.
- Recommendations about the future of the US-Australia Alliance
- The priorities and future objectives of Australian foreign policy
- Proposed changes in relationships with other countries, including the United States
- The budgetary implications and opportunities of any proposed changes to the Alliance.
- Sustainable and humane alternatives to current defence industries’ dependency on endless wars of aggression
See also Inquiry Background Sheets